Sunday, April 6, 2008

Grease Pole

A traditional part of the Sinhalese and Tamil New year is the Grease Pole. The Pole is actually a coconut tree around 25-30 feet high. The whole pole is greased from top to bottom with a flag that sits happily on the top like a star on a Christmas tree. The game is for a team of 2 people to climb up that pole with no equipment on and grab that flag. They are allowed to wipe the grease with their hands. The normal strategy is for one person to do the wiping while the team mate supports him from under. Its quite a long game and its took about 4 hours to finish this one.


Tavish Gunasena said...

i love the perspective of the 2nd one the one with the boy on it! great idea!

Ahamed Nizar said...

thanks man. i was waiting under that damn pole for a kid to go up to the perfect point so that i could take it!

Anonymous said...

the kid picture is great!woah!




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19 year old, AS student, Party Animal, Never-leave-home-without-camera, psychology loving, tattoo craving, drink ordering, late sleeping, techno listening student. Found here email :